and organisational behaviour lecturer, Stephenie Hodge, from the Warrington
School of Management (University of Chester) provides insight into flexible
working practices.
There is no disputing that over the
last decade organisations of all sizes and sectors have worked in a constant
state of change brought on through the recession, expansion of globalisation and
the speed in which new technology and social media are testing the skills of
even the most effective managers. So how does the manager of the future not
only cope with, but thrive in, leading and motivating a team that is aligned
with the organisational goals and have a mind-set of managing output, not
flexible working approach
A major future trend researched by The
Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM, 2013) has identified that 94% of
UK organisations offer some form of flexible working. 51% of all the managers
surveyed expect flexible working to become the norm within five years and
recognised as a future global trend. This is proven to be a highly effective
incentive to attract and retain talented employees. It empowers the
individuals, giving them greater control over their working week; increasing
their engagement, productivity levels which in turn reflects positively to the
brand image of the organisation. Their autonomy creates a corporate personality
and helps to identify and verify the company’s values, therefore achieving the
‘buy-in’ to the culture and psychological contract.
Individual’s values and perspective on
working life has changed; they don’t buy into the job for life concept anymore
and would rather have the option to adjust their work/life balance to best suit
their personal circumstances. Therefore, flexible work options can also be used
as a trade-off against a salary increase, which may suit or be the only option
available to an employer.
This research is further endorsed by
Kingston University/Ipsos MORI who found that ‘workers on flexible contracts
tend to be more emotionally engaged, more satisfied with their work and more
likely to speak positively about their organisation and less likely to leave
(CIPD, 2014)
and management
However, before this approach can even
be considered the 2020 manager will not only have to be agile and adaptive, but
also that the fundamentals of good leadership and management will matter more
than ever.
52% of managers agree that skills such
as communication, delegation, goal-setting and motivation are vital when
operating with less time and in a more complex working environment (ILM, 2014).
Trust and transparency are key as the flexible working approach has to be seen
as fare and consistent and be embraced by the organisation and not seen a
career limiting option.
There will be yet more on-going
cultural changes due to the social and demographic shift, so a different hybrid
breed of manager is required that still possess the traditional skills and
qualities, but is equipped with a modern mind-set and approach (ILM, 2014).
There is now an expectation from our
up and coming generation that this freedom and autonomy goes hand in hand with their
ambitions. They are very much motivated by money, status and career advancement
and do not perceive working in a flexible manner as impeding their promotion or
dedication. This does not mean that they don’t want to work as hard or as long
as required, but in a different working format to enable more a work life
balance. This mind-set of changing working patterns needs to be embraced by
employers or they could be missing out on new talent to take their business
is the payback?
If managed correctly, the payback will
be built around a stakeholder relationship approach:-
and empowered which leads to a natural drive and commitment to the team effort.
The manager-Managing a
contented team with an ethos which is aligned with the organisational values,
therefore reassured that the job is being done to the best of its ability with
no conflict acting as a barrier.
The customer
& external stakeholders-The vision for transparency leads to
collaboration and mutual trust which can bring a true competitive edge.
be viewed as holistic and modern forward thinking in their approach. It holds
potential value as a recruitment, engagement and retention tool; as well a
great brand endorser.
Managers who are prepared to trust in
their team and think differently can model the way into making flexible working
the norm, will be the ones who are remembered not just as managers but as great
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